CS6 is a fun, competitive and action packed league to play with your old team mates, friends and co-workers.

Grab a group of 10 players or less and come participate in CS6 - you will have a BLAST!


Format and Rules

Field Layout: 30 x 50 

Goals 6.5x12

4 fields fit on one large outdoor size field.


  • 50 minute games (2) - 25 min halves) with a  2 minute half time
  • 1 game per per day
  • Points:
    • 3 points for win, 1 point for tie, 0 points for loss
    • Top 2 teams from each bracket advance to knockout stage
    • ALL teams advance to crossover consolation brackets
    • ALL teams will have a final ranking
    • In case of tie, winner decided by head to head record
    • If still tied, decided by best goal differential
    • If still tied, team with most goals
    • If still tied, penalty kick shootout to decide
    • If knockout stage game is tied after regulation, 5 minutes golden goal
    • If still tied, penalty kick shootout to decide (1 for 1 Golden Goal)


  • Goals count for 1 point each.
  • Yellow card = 2 minute penalty. Return to full squad if opponents score.
  • Red card = Player out of Game. 5 minute penalty. Team must play short for full 5 minutes.
  • Double yellow cards miss next game.
  • Double red card expelled from the League.
  • Restart kick-ins from goal area


  • FIFA rules apply


  • No Off-Sides


  • Are indirect kick-ins

Corner Kick:

  • Are direct

Goal Kicks:

  • Are indirect


  • Fouls outside shooting line are direct, fouls inside shooting line are indirect

Defensive Walls:

  • 8 yards from spot of ball


  • Pass backs cannot be picked up by the goalie


  • Violent or dangerous play or foul and abusive language will not be tolerated.


  • Cannot be changed after check in.  Teams violating this policy will forfeit game(s) in question in group stage and automatically sent to consolation bracket if in knockout stage.


  • May enter the game only on a stopped ball with referee approval.

Late Team Rule:

  • Both teams need 4 players total to begin a game. If a team is short players they must continue to play or forfeit if less than 4 players are available at kick off.


  • Any ties after regulation time (*for Playoff or Finals) will be settled by 5 minutes of sudden death. If - still tied, 1 for 1 penalty kicks until one team misses or goes behind.


  • All decisions on the field will be made by the referee. All protests should be directed to the tournament director within 30 minutes of end of game.